1.used for referring to nature and natural forces
1.Caves belong to the most enigmatic formations, created by Mother Nature on the surface of planet Earth, or, to be more accurate, beneath it.
2."It's interesting to me to just see what Mother Nature can do, " said Jay Lopez, 36, of Frisco, as the wind howled through Buxton.
3.You will come to understand that both you and I are part of the secrets, all masterpieces created by Mother Nature.
4.This dramatic event is the result of both the energies of Mother Nature and of the dark.
5.Mother Nature seems to be giving expensive man-made particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider a run for their money these days.
6.It was as if Mother Nature had let out a soft sigh, the feeling of calm longing just barely carried along with the breath.
7.But while it might have been easy to trick Father Time, science has shown that it is much more difficult to fool Mother Nature.
8.I prefer to call it a smiley face drawn by Mother Nature without the use of tattoo ink.
9.Mother Nature may be the cause of their misery, but a woeful lack of government planning seems to have exacerbated it.
10.Mother Nature is not the only one who plays tricks on people; you can see another kind of fool in the drawings on this page.